Friday, October 7, 2011

Words cannot express this feeling in my heart

So, since having Lydia I have come to learn some things. Every soul is precious to God. And.. I love little children. I can tell why Jesus would admire children and proclaim that unless we "become like little children we cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven." Children are simply put, amazing. They have sparkling personalities and a love for learning. They want to do good and be good. Given the chance they will please you and most often will follow your {good} example.

I love my little Lydia. No matter how many times I say that, I can not say it in a way that will express how my heart so honestly feels about her. It's a love only a mother can feel. I feel like a broken record, telling her I love her over and over again to her face. I feel like one of the luckiest people on the planet. I get to be the mother of a precious, perfect soul.

When she wakes in the morning, she greets me with smiles. Any time I do something with her I talk to her. I try to make a game out of everything for her, so she is constantly smiling. She is such a happy person! She can brighten anyone's day. She is so full of life!

I love my baby.

I love Lydia's long dark hair, the way her nose scrunches up when she laughs, her dimples, her silent laugh when I tickle her, getting to kiss and play with her cute, tiny, long toes, and her double chin. I love that she prefers me over anyone else. I love bath time, and feeding time, changing time, and even when she spits up all over my newly changed clothes it's okay with me, because it reassures me that she's getting more than enough to eat.

Tonight, I felt especially grateful to have my baby in my arms as she was asleep on my shoulder...

because before she woke up, I read this article,* and cried.

Ugh.. this stuff makes me so angry at those people, yet so full of compassion for mothers who can't have children, even if they want them! It's one thing to choose for yourself if you want something done to you, but when things are forced upon you and your one dream is taken away, it is just awful.
I will never understand how people can be so cruel. But I know one thing. 

God loves us all. Jesus Christ suffered for our pain. His Atonement covers every hurt and sorrow we will ever experience, because He has experienced it all. I am so glad to know that I have a Heavenly Father watching over me, comforting me in my times of need, and loving me enough to let me be a guardian over a perfect daughter. She completes my life! I am so lucky.

I love love love her!!

*Not for the faint of heart. Read at your own risk.

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