Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mark your calendars!..

Okay, you don't really have to, but MINE are!

 Sooo we have a few exciting things coming up in the lives of the Stefans and Hernandez..ez... ;)


This Sunday: Father's Day. A chance to celebrate, honor, and thank my dad for always being a hard worker and provider in my life. I see him as such a strong person and always willing to help others out.  In addition, my own husband, who, though he denies being an actual father at the moment, will be a father very shortly to our already amazing little girl. Jonathan is my best friend, always making me laugh and trying to please me in any way. He's one of my greatest strengths. When I feel like I'm too weak to keep going, he keeps my chin up. I know he will give all his love to our little girl as much as I will. And finally, my own Heavenly Father who has always supported me and shown His love for me. He's answered my prayers, given me comfort, and reassurance that although what we are going through is hard, we can make it.

Tuesday the 21st: We have another doctor's appointment. I'm not sure what has really changed since last week. But he said he does an ultrasound every visit. I am getting a little bit more crampy, but I haven't experienced hardly any braxton-hicks contractions...I'm kinda hoping that I will have some. So that when D-day comes it's not just full blown contractions. I want some practice ones in there first, please!!
Maybe my little dough just hasn't baked into a done bun just yet! :D

Wednesday the 22nd: My dad's birthday!!

Thursday the 23rd: I have a breastfeeding class I'm going to attend...woohoo! Should be interesting ;) especially.. with no baby yet hahaha

Friday the 24th: Jonathan's birthday!! Sunday we're going to celebrate both. I can't wait.

July 1st-4/5th: My dad has those days off and is taking his annual dipnetting trip to Chitina {wish I could go! haha yeah right}.. with basically my whole family.. Either Lydia needs to come the 30th .. or wait until or after the 5th so they all can see her right after she pops out.Whenever she does decide to come, my dad doesn't really care 'cause he's going fishing anyway hahaha. Kinda funny.. It doesn't matter to me if they are all there or present for it. Hospital rules only allow 2 extra people during the actual delivery. And they'll get to see her anyway. I'm sure we won't be going anywhere.

Tuesday July 5th!: Baby girl's due date! Hooray! And if she doesn't come then, well, doc said he usually doesn't allow them to go over a week. At this rate, I think she'll be right on time. I don't feel like much progression has taken place, so I dunno if she will come early.. Who knows? ;)

Oh and good news! Jonathan's parents decided that they are going to come up to Alaska from Texas for a short visit!!! They wanna see Lydia and see a bit of Alaska too. They're still unsure of the date. It probably won't be til maybe after she's born, we're not sure yet. But I'm glad they're going to come. It'll be nice having aaaaall the family there especially for this occasion. :)

Da End

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