Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Holidays!!!!!

Man, do I hate not having internet at home. Plus, my laptop cord died and I haven't had any spare money to replace it. So I can't go anywhere wireless.. Sad face. If I did I would update all the time! :)

I had a great Thanksgiving...I'm very thankful for everything in my life, even the hard times. But I am even more happy that it's finally the Christmas season and I can listen to Christmas music whenever I want. I have a few decorations up, but I wish I had more. The one thing I really wish I had for Christmas was my own home so we could get a tree and have decorations and presents under the tree. But, I can wait for next year. This year we're taking our belated "honeymoon" to Temple Square to see the lights, and possibly hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing. I can't wait to see the lights, and I love their music. I haven't been to Utah since I was little and never to SLC so we're going to visit the Joseph Smith memorial building and other visitor centers. ALSO, I get to visit my grandparents I haven't seen in 6 years since they lived in Alaska. I'm very happy to see them. It's sad what you take for granted what you have with you. I didn't think much of it when they lived in Alaska. But I miss our big family Christmas gatherings with them terribly and their beautifully decorated home.

Our plan is to leave the 18th of December, drive up to Colorado for Christmas with Jonathan's sister, make our way to Utah and then to Idaho, if all goes well. I'm happy to be leaving Texas and going to somewhere smaller. :) I'll miss the family and my little girls, of course. But I'm glad to be leaving.

Well, this is all I have time for. Talk to everyone later! Love you all and miss you!


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