Monday, May 11, 2015

Miss Me?


It's been a whole year and a day since I've last posted. Oops. I kept promising myself that I would post for every big milestone or big event that happened within the last year and I obviously didn't pull through. Sorry! So, recapping everything since May 10th of last year.

Elena took her first steps

Lydia turned 3 in July

Went to the 4th of July parade (which Lydia is convinced was made for her since it's next to her birthday. That's all she wants this year.. a parade where people throw candy to her. Every kid's dream!)

Finished a hard, time-consuming semester with all straight As

Packed up and moved all our stuff into storage, drove to Colorado and flew to Alaska for a month (July 29-Sept 2)

Moved to a new apartment/ward once we got back

Officially decided we wanted to go to Alaska after we finished school

Had our first and last Christmas together in Rexburg where I made yummy Mexican pozole dinner and it snowed on Christmas Eve.

Rang in the New Year also in Rexburg, playing Call of Duty ;)

Got the surprise of our life finding out we are expecting another child early January 2015. Definitely a huge curve ball but we're determined to make this work amidst graduating and moving clear across the continent 6 weeks before I have this little child. It's absolutely kind of terrifying. Pray for us?

Passed another semester with straight As, including social science statistics. A miracle.

Surprised our family with baby news on Easter Sunday.

Took our last trip to Colorado to visit family for spring break, while Jonathan and his brothers flew to Texas for half the week to visit home. 

While in Colorado we celebrated Elena's 2nd birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. So fun!

Enjoyed my first trimester and most of the second practically symptom free (another way I was able to fool the majority of my friends hehe. I get so lucky in pregnancy. I truly am grateful.)

Found out we are having a baby boy and publicly announced it on May 4th, Star Wars style.

Have an interview scheduled for an internship that I desperately need. I want to cross that off my list before baby boy comes so when I graduate I can just focus on my family. 

And that's what's been going on in the Hernandez family so far. Trying to survive our last semester here and plan and prepare to sell our apartment contract, sell our car, get rid of a bunch of junk, clean, buy tickets for me and Lydia to fly up, and prepare for Jonathan, Elena and our friends to drive up. Then find housing, an internship/job and healthcare before September. Like I said, we'll need all the help we can get! We're taking a huge leap of faith. Lydia turned on the Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration on Youtube last Sunday and we watched most of it before Church. In it, Joseph Smith says, 

"Perhaps I am meant to swim in deep waters. But better deep than shallow." 

I think that will be my new theme for this year.