Friday, March 16, 2012


So, the last time I did a "Milestones" post Lydia was about 5 months. At 8 1/2 months, I figure it's time to update.

This lil gal LOVES to talk! ...Talk, yell in her laughter, fake cough (serious about this one), blow (more like sputter her baby food back into my face! 8-| ) make noises, and even gag herself with her own fingers.. which, somehow she thoroughly enjoys because she does it until she's forced [by Mommy] to stop.

She is getting good at clapping, and just the other day waved back to Daddy right after he waved to her. And, might I add, as I was trying to persuade her to say "Mama," every time she would "speak" she'd end up saying what I thought was "hiiiii" (while waving) after we would say "hiiii" to her while waving our arm. Yep, I'm sure Hi is going to be her first word. Darn it. After all that I do... after all I have done (bonus points to those who get that movie reference! lol!).

Anyway! Now the lass has army crawling down! Sometimes she sits on her bottom, puts her hands out and kind of rocks forward..secretly wanting, wishing she could move forward, but doesn't have the courage to do so (or maybe she remembers all the nose-dives and doesn't want to repeat yet another). She doesn't quite know that to move frequently and faster you have to be on your hands and knees. She always ends up on her belly, but at least she's getting places, which is good for her.. not so good for me. I have to vacuum multiple times a week! Okay.. I guess that's a good thing. ;)

At her last weigh in she was 15lbs 8oz and 27inches (back in Feb). Oyy, she is getting so big (even though she's quite lean). She is often so wiggly, you could almost say she hates laying in my arms. If you're going to hold her, she's got to be sitting or standing, at least. Sigh.. I just wanna cuddle!!! :{ I have to wrap her like Houdini in a blanket and bounce her just for her to lay sideways in my arms. That, or tilt her head downward. She loves being upside down. :)

She has 5 chompers now! She acquired her first 2 bottom teeth in December, her third (on the bottom) mid February, and now her first 2 upper teeth just a few days ago within a day of each other. She is such a good baby, I never know when she is teething (until the night when she wakes up multiple times). But it never dawns on me the reason for her wakefulness until I find the tooth the next day. Somehow I always forget this sign? Other than that she is always good throughout the day. It's so hard for me to know!

Well, that's about it. Other than her constant love for learning, and imagining things with her hands that seem to float in the air and give some meaning to her imagination, she is just the happiest baby around. She loves laughing and having fun. She has learned to dance (bounce her body up and down) to music and it is just the cutest thing to watch! I love my little girl and I'm so happy I can be her mom and watch her grow each day, experiencing all the things life has to give.

{Here I was the other night, at 2am, telling her that it was time for her to go to sleep! Apparently, she thought I was joking!}

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