Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Family Pictures

So the family {me, Jonathan, and Lydia} had our pictures done by a girl in the North Pole ward to the Church I go to. I saw some of her pictures she's done for fun on her facebook and thought they were pretty nice, so I asked if she wouldn't mind doing some for us. And they turned out so much better than expected.

Here are some.. courtesy of Naomi Ames :)
I love this shot! She makes it so hard not to love!
 I love being a mommy
 God's gift to me!
 Pedicure, anyone?
 This is my baby! Even if she doesn't look like it. I didn't steal her from Mexico!..Promise!
 Playin' peekaboo

Daddy's girl!!
Mommy's Little Princess

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word. That first picture. STUNNING. I'm glad you didn't buy Lydia on the black market. ;)
