Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6/30 Thirty Thankful Days

6/30 Thirty Thankful Days!

November 6

Today while cleaning and making breakfast I turned Christmas music on and it just made me happy inside. I also love that Lydia loves dancing to Christmas music. She shakes her hips from side to side and kind of hops around. I guess it's cheerful music and easy to dance to. Her dancing, and this music - two of my favorite things.

Today I am thankful for Christmas music...now.. before any of you start to make fun of me or say "ohh here we go..another Christmas music addict," hear me out, Grinches ;). Growing up in Alaska I had as many white Christmases as you can imagine. Once the first snowfall hit the ground (usually in October), my brain already prepared itself for Christmas. I immediately played Christmas music in the car wherever I went. But I didn't always used to be like that. I used to not care.

It wasn't until I was in Treble Choir (all girls) my sophomore year of high school when we were to sing at Alaska Land (aka Pioneer Park) in Fairbanks with the Sweet Adelines that I really cared. While I was sitting in the back seat of a friend's car who had picked me up, I listened to the Christmas music on the radio warm my body while I watched the cold swirl around me outside. I felt different that year than other years. I wanted to help other people and share the love of Christ with people. Since then, I have adored all kinds of Christmas music and enjoy playing it for (2-3) months. It creates a happy feeling. A feeling of joy and faith that things can be good in our lives.

What better way to ring in the wonderful holidays than to listen to uplifting happy music. 
It always brightens my mood.

Also.. I don't understand why people have a big deal about listening to music early, saying it has nothing to do with Thanksgiving. You are so wrong! (It's not like there are special Thanksgiving songs to listen to anyway :P)We celebrate Christmas to celebrate Christ's birth and his life and ministry..for all that he did for us. We thank him for his wonderful life and for many other things that he has done and continues to do for us.. and more often than not, we also thank Him during Thanksgiving. So the two go kind of hand in hand... at least this is what I think anyway.

In my opinion, these are the best two holidays we could celebrate and should celebrate BIG! Most of the other holidays are focused around us or the people we love, whereas these focus directly on that Being who gave us life.

He does deserve all the thanks and adoration we can give him...all year 'round. 
What better way to praise Him than through song.

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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