Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Future Is As Bright As Your Faith

I know most of us are probably disappointed in what happened last night. I think the hope and change we were expecting was to come from Mitt Romney.

But I'm not terribly surprised that Obama won.. nor am I as disappointed in that as I am in the moral decay of our country. I am more disappointed that 2 or 3 states actually legalized recreational use of marijuana and same sex marriage. I am disappointed that we also have a president that, instead of standing for something, appeals to so many people just to get the popular vote. Most people would say, "isn't that what you want out of a president? Someone who agrees with your views?" - Not if it's just to get re-elected again or just to be more popular. Legalizing marijuana is more frustrating to me, than Obama winning, even if he did or didn't have anything to do with it. The fact that the majority wants that legalized definitely tells you something.

 I reeeallly don't want America to turn into one big melting pothead! Oyy..

I won't deny, I was kind of frustrated with how everything went last night.. and reading everyone else's facebook statuses only fueled the flame. However, I am very thankful for the few inspired, humble people who remembered not to get so upset with the results and reminded people that "it's not the end of the world," even if it is 2012 (haha. I'm jk). They also reminded me that no matter how bad the world seems to get, the Gospel is still eternal and we can still choose to do good. Now is the time to stand together, not divided.

That really put it in perspective for me.

I don't really know what's in store for the next four years.. or what will really change and affect me personally.. but I do know that as the world inevitably decays in wickedness and unrighteousness, it has made a fire burned deep inside me to want to teach my children to be more righteous, faithful, happy, and to do good to others.

I'm going to try so much harder to live the gospel and teach it to Lydia.

We're going to be good examples of Christians, no matter our circumstances.

We're gonna become more united in our family, community, state, and the country.

I'm going to look forward with faith.

One thing that I will always love is that, even though our country isn't lead by someone called of God, our Church is. And the Lord will always take care of us, as long as we're faithful. I'm thankful someone shared this photo and brought me back to what matters most.

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