Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jumping Jelly Bean!

11 weeks, 1 day. 

Today we had your first ultrasound. After about an hour + of waiting to be seen (our poor doc was put on urgent care call at the office), we finally got to see you on screen. These past (almost) 7 weeks have been soooo incredibly long, which is funny, because with Lydia, we didn't get to see her until 20 weeks! This was still kinda torture though..so this was definitely a treat for us!

Doc says you are measuring right on time, your heart rate is 150bpm, which is normal, and there's only one of you...phewph! It was kinda funny because you looked like a little jumping jelly bean inside! You were wiggling and partyin'.. I can't wait til you grow bigger and I can finally hold you! I yearn for another tiny baby to hold and cuddle. I look at your big sis and wonder, where has all this time gone? She's HUGE! Where did my tiny baby go? But, soon, I know you will fill that void. I can't wait to hold my two precious babies in my arms, my little jewels. I love you so very much. Thank you for being healthy and alive. And mine.

You're making my dreams come true. :)

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