Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Little Baby Gave Mom a Little Baby Scare

Phewph! Little baby, you scared Mama today.

We went in for your 15 (1 day) week check up to hear your little baby heart beat.

Well, we listened and listened and couldn't hear a thing... I was a little nervous.

Luckily, you have a good doc and he put the doppler a little lower on my tummy and surprise! You were just sneaking away, not wanting to be found, but we foundja! Little stinker. You better not do that in real life!

You have a heart rate of 155. It's funny our appointments only really last 2 minutes! I guess you could chock that up to mom feeling so good and not having any questions, which is a good thing. We also made an another appointment to see you in 4 weeks (at 19 weeks along)! Forrr youuurrr ullltraaasouuuunnnndddd (that was said in a singy voice.. ) Hooray! Can't wait to find out "what" you are, so I can put a name to an...ultrasound face haha.

Love you munchkin!!!

Mama <3>

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