Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dear Baby

Dear Little Baby                                                                                                         August 7, 2012

I know you're only the size of a poppyseed right now, according to all the online baby websites, but I already love you so much! It's fun thinking about if you are going to be a boy or girl, and what you'll look like. I am sure you'll probably have the same features as your older sister, Lydia; dark hair, light brown skin, big eyes. I can't wait for 16 more weeks so I can find out what gender you are so I can finally put a name to my sweet little child. (I have my guesses though.. according to mommy's dreams, and they were correct with Lydia last time, you will be a boy.. so weeee'll seeeee!!!)

With you.. it is much different this time. I will always love your big sister SO much because she was our first child. But I didn't feel like I did everything right when she was in my tummy. I could have exercised more, ate better, always took my prenatal pill, and gone to all my doctor appointments. But I was never perfect at any of those. For you, I'm going to try so much harder to be a good Mommy. Now, don't get me wrong, your sister is amazing! You're gonna love her! We are so blessed to have her. She loves her baby dolls so much, I am sure she will love you the same. She is perfect in every way, as I'm sure you will be. However, now that I know more, I feel more accountable. I want you to turn out the same way as she did. I want to do everything right for you. Because you deserve it. I am praying for a good pregnancy, labor, and delivery, like your sister gave me. Please let me be that lucky again! I'll love you forever! (Just kidding, I'd love you forever anyway ha! .. Please don't mind Mommy's unique sense of humor.)

Little Baby, it is so strange to be thinking I will get to hold another tiny creature in 9 fast months. I can't wait 'til you are here. I can't wait to hold a tiny human being once more and become a Mother all over again. Being a Mother pleases me very much. It is my calling and responsibility - my duty. It's a duty that I love and cherish.. I never (or try not to) take it for granted. My babies are my blessings. You are a blessing.

Little One... do you know you have to be a surprise? Do you know we have to keep you a secret? Not because you're bad or a mistake, but because we want to. We want to have a little fun with this new experience and be able to surprise our family and friends with this great announcement. Did you know your Sis turned one this year? She'll almost be two by the time you get here..around Mommy's birthday! I am so excited! Did you know you have a fresh cousin from Heaven, named Samantha. That's Daddy's sister's daughter..and another cousin on the way - Mommy's brother's son (he's nameless at the moment). But I am pretty sure you were already friends with them in Heaven. That makes me happy.

Little Sweetie, thank you for coming to me. I know I am not the best mother, but I try very very hard. I try to be a good example to your Sis and teach her correct things. I sometimes feel like I don't deserve you precious children, because there are tons of other wonderful women out there dying to have babies. I always ask myself, why am I so lucky? I know I always ask that, but seeing my children through a Mother's eyes and heart makes me feel incredibly, abundantly blessed.

I can not wait to meet you and let you change my life all over again. Thank you for coming to me.



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