Monday, November 5, 2012

5/30 Thirty Thankful Days

Today is day 5 of Thirty Thankful Days. It usually takes me all day to think of something specific I want to write about that I'm thankful for..and then I realize I don't get many pageviews or many people actually reading these. But oh well.. it's hard for me to blog during the day because I'm busy with Lydia or Jonathan.. as it should be! :)

But today I am really thankful for Jonathan. He has encouraged me to go back to school and is excited I'm taking the same major he is. After I picked him up from work we headed to the Hinckley building and we went in to see what classes I should take next semester. I was glad he was by my side. Afterward we went on a little dinner date to the Chinese Mandarin restaurant. It was pretty yummy. Then we went home and I gave the family home evening lesson on goals. I love making worthwhile goals with my hubby.

We just got done watching the latest episode of the Walking Dead. It was super intense..and me being all emotional ended up crying (boohoo.. make fun of me if you will! Heheh) during the end. But watching this tv show is one thing we always do together. We laugh and we yell at the characters and call them stupid together, but it's all fun. And today when I was crying Jonathan turned and looked at me and while laughing through my stupid tears I told him not to tell anyone! (How ironic that I'm telling you all now ;) ) And he just laughed. But it was still pretty funny because I was crying at a stinkin' tv show! Good thing he loves me even though I'm silly.

Anyway, after that we went through all the pictures that we have on our phone, which mostly consists of Lydia. He kept looking at her two front teeth, zoomed in, and would say "goof troop, WOO OOH" after each picture that showed her teeth which made us both laugh. We have such a funny daughter..and it was fun to go through the pictures and see her growth and development and see how she's changed over the past year. We love the pictures she takes herself or the ones where she looks downright goofy!

Goof troop, WOO OOH!

Jonathan's seen pictures of me and my siblings when we were young looking ghetto, so when he saw this we busted out laughing and he said, "This is just like your mom! Some of the outfits you were in should have been illegal!!"
Too funny!!

Loves playing with the phone camera
It was just a fun time together and I loved laughing, smiling, and cuddling up to him while looking at our little creation..wondering if all our posterity would be as beautiful. :)

He really is a good person and tries to do right for the family. I'm thankful I'm in a wonderful marriage and that I have Jonathan Hernandez by my side for time and all eternity. Love you hun!

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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