Sunday, November 4, 2012

4/30 Thirty Thankful Days And I Believe

Welcome to Thirty Thankful Days and my I Believe series (both heeped into one). I missed posting my testimony for "I Believe" in October because of General Conference and the mix-up of when fast and testimony/first Sunday of the month actually is (or.. at least that's just my excuse for being lazy last month.) Anyway.

November 4th

Today I am grateful for my Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (or the Mormons). It is the one consistent thing in my life I look forward to on a weekly basis. When I was growing up, I didn't understand fully the importance of Church or cared if I missed going to Church an occasional Sunday or two. Now, I love going to Church and wouldn't miss it for anything, even when I'm sick hehe. I love going for the Sacrament. I love the second-hour of Sunday School, and I absolutely love our Relief Society. I love the women there. I love the teachers and our RS Presidency. I have yet to find a lesson that didn't touch me in a certain way that taught exactly what I needed to hear. Each Sunday I seem to learn something new from the sisters which create a deeper love in me for all the women in our ward. I'm thankful for such caring people and those who love and want to do good. I'm also thankful for my calling. It's not a huge calling, but it's perfect for me. I am a supervisor over 10 or so girls who do their visiting teaching each month who report to me at the end of the month if they did it and what the girls they look over need/how they are doing. I love the power of visiting teaching. We are all Shepherds in the fold when we participate in visiting teaching and look over those in our care.

Which brings me to what I testified of in Church today during fast and testimony meeting. I've had this overwhelming prompting to testify of visiting teaching. Usually each month I try and think of something *profound*.. or I guess specific to say at the pulpit come testimony meeting and the past few months nothing came to mind. However, the last few days, the thought of testifying of the power of visiting teaching came to mind, so I felt compelled to get up.

I testify that visiting your sisters will help strengthen your testimony of our Savior. I know it is a divine role and calling. We are helping the Lord help others. I testify..that your sisters need you. The last time I left visiting our girls I told my companion that my face hurts every time we leave because we have such a great time together. We are seriously laughing for 45 minutes (there is a lesson in there as well..but we have fun!) I know this program is put in place for us to take care of each other. If the person you look over doesn't learn anything from these experiences or remember every lesson, they will at least have known that you cared. It is truly inspired of God. If the Lord was on the earth today, He'd want to spend time with every person. However, He is not here, so we must do the work for Him. We are doing what Christ would do if He were here. And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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