Saturday, November 3, 2012

3/30 Thirty Thankful Days!

November 3rd

Today I am thankful for an easy-going baby. It makes *my* rougher days, more simple. I am thankful Lydia is so easy to manage and take care of. I'm thankful for her little giggles and laughs and sweet smile. I'm thankful when she cuddles up to me and then falls asleep... in 5 seconds (just like her dad... seriously.) I'm thankful for all the many kisses she gives me, especially our morning kiss we share each day when I pick her up from her crib - and she even instigates it. I don't even have to remind her. :) She is just so extremely precious.

Today we went to Jonathan's work "fall/thanksgiving" party and everyone was basically in love with Lydia. She smiled for everyone! Usually she acts all shy but today she beamed and let people hold her. She also giggled and laughed and waved to people. Multiple people have exclaimed before that she's such a mellow baby and it's so true (compared to some haha). I feel so blessed to have a calm baby. It makes our home more relaxed and less stressful. I know I can just feed her, change her, play with her a little bit and then let her do her own thing and she is pretty good about not getting into things she shouldn't. She has a beautiful imagination, as well. The other day she came up to me with Jonathan's guitar tuner, put it to her face near her eyes, and said "eeeee!!" like "cheese!".. which was funny because we don't use our camera often to take pictures, but she knew what to do with it. She also loves bringing us things (things we need, or like a diaper for a diaper change, or her boots) She is very helpful.

                                                I can put my boots on all by myself, Mommy!
Feeding her baby doll saying, "numynumynumynum" (luckily it was empty!)

I'm not trying to brag to other moms who have more difficult babies. I think all babies have their ups and downs (trust, me..Lydia does too) but for the most part she is a sweet soul. I think she truly enjoys being happy.. Something I definitely need to be more often. What a great reminder. I love love love this little girl!!! I am so thankful she is in my life!!

On our way to trick or treat!

Making silly faces into the camera!

*having too much fun in the back seat*

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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