Thursday, November 15, 2012

14/30 Thirty Thankful Days

oops, I'm slackin'!

14/30 of Thirty Thankful Days!

While I didn't get to post (because I was so gosh-darn tired) yesterday, I did have something in mind that I was thankful for. I just didn't get to bring thoughts to paper, figuratively speaking.

Yesterday we stopped by the distribution center to get handkerchiefs for the upcoming Boise Temple dedication, only to find out that the DC was closed (for good). So we shuffled on over to the DI (like a Value Village, but more common in Mormon culture). I got Lydia some clothes and then we headed over to the book section and I picked out a book, Wake up, Sleepy Bear.

While we were checking out, the man scanned her book and she started to fuss. Apparently she didn't like the fact that he had her book. Today (well, yesterday) I am thankful that Lydia loves books. She has a box that we stick her toys in, and then above that is a shelf full of at least 20+ books. Every single day she will bring me a few different ones and have me read them to her - some over and over again in one sitting. To change it up I ask her different things about the characters/animals like where their eyes/nose are or where the baby/mommy are. I love reading to her, but Bears on Wheels gets a liiiittle old after the 3368th time of reading it.

Haha, you can imagine how the rest of the book goes!!

Sometimes I worry that she enjoys playing her baby apps on our iphone too much. She'll start to throw a fit and gets cranky when we don't let her have it, which makes me want to not give in even more (haha). What was supposed to be used for simple entertainment in tight places where it would be hard to play with her, ends up being something she constantly wants whenever she sees the phone. So, I'm glad Jonathan has it throughout the day when he's at work. That forces her to pull out her "buck-ah!"s (books) and read. I know when I'm surrounded by technology I forget how much I absolutely love reading until I grab my favorite book, so I'm glad she still has a passion for "reading."

I hope she always will.

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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