Friday, November 16, 2012

15/30 Thirty Thankful Days - My Body

Day 15/30 of Thirty Thankful Days!

Wow, I have been a day behind for the past two days. But I will catch up today (not that many people are reading these anyway? I'm not sure).

For yesterday, November 15th, I was thankful for my body and that it's healthy. Do you ever stop and think about how your body actually works? And the miracle it is just to be alive? I think in most cases we {read: I} tend to take our body for granted daily. I don't think we realize how awesome it is to be healthy until we've just recovered from a nasty cold. Our body can do many wonderful things. We don't even have to think about breathing, or really, living. It just does it on its own because that's what it's programmed to do. How miraculous. I remember being in my Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology class in college, and even though it was pretty hard (I got a B despite how hard I tried), I remember sitting there thinking that the human body is a pretty amazing creature. It grows from a tiny pinprick of an egg into a baby into a toddler into a youth into an adult and keeps going until it's time to leave Earth. The muscles and bones know exactly what their function is. The heart knows exactly how to pump blood and keep you going and the lungs breathe in and out by themselves. The brain is able to keep lots of information and remember tiny details from previous years.

I really love the human body and am thankful that (at least at the moment!) I am not sick. I'm thankful for my Creator and His infinite wisdom and creativity for creating our bodies and souls that thrive and live so beautifully together.

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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