Tuesday, November 13, 2012

13/30 of Thirty Thankful Days - Mercy

13/30 of Thirty Thankful Days!!


Today, I am thankful for God's mercy.

While reading the Book of Mormon today (something I have not been good at lately, unfortunately) I read a lot of verses that had to do with the goodness and mercy of God. It was the chapters in Alma when the then-wicked Lamanites decided they wanted to convert whole-heartedly to the Lord. They had a change of heart. They saw His mercy in their life. They saw their sins washed clean because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ (to come). They wanted their souls to no more be tarnished by the wickedness they were so previously immersed in. They wanted to be so far from sin they wanted to change the very name they were known by.What I really loved was how they recognized just how good the Lord was to them by forgiving them for their previous sins. They recognized they got a second chance at life and a chance to be good again and they thanked the Lord for giving it to them.

How many times do we recognize the Lord's infinite mercy in our lives?

I see the Lord's mercy in my life many times while we are driving. There have been so many times were we could have been in accidents, things that could have been life-threatening or just plain out expensive, but He sees our need and still protects us. I am so thankful for that.

I see the Lord's mercy in my previous pregnancy with Lydia. We had kind of a rough first year of marriage - moving around a lot and were just not very stable. I'm so thankful I had an easy pregnancy, which compensated for the rest of trials we went through. I'm also thankful I had a great labor and delivery and have an easy going baby. I really got blessed in motherhood.

I remember when we first got to Rexburg last year, we were so broke, but we randomly got an envelope attached to our apartment door with $200 inside. We were so humbled and grateful for whoever did that (we still don't know to this day who did it, but thank you!). The Lord saw our need. He was so merciful, even in our weakness. "The Lord answers our prayers, but it is usually through another person that he meets our need." So, incredibly true. We have been on the receiving end of gifts such as these before and it is always so humbling. I only hope and pray in the future we can pay it forward and help others in need when they need it, without hesitation. I hope I can be merciful to others, like the Lord always has been to me. 

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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