Wednesday, July 21, 2010

And yet, another busy day

Welp, today we got up and were supposed to go to the airport early to pick up my aunt, but her flight got canceled so we had to sit around for a little bit and then head out to Houston. Then once we got there we had to wait some more in the airport and then she finally came in. :) Once we got them situated we headed out for lunch at a chinese place, the four of us - Alex, Jonathan, me and Mari.
Afterwards we headed back to his mom's work and we got to see OUR apartment!! It's so cute, and BIG. :D After that we dropped the car off and got some wedding decos to work on then headed home to our apartment. Before we started the decos, Sniper taught us how to dance latino. Mari was actually really good at it, woot woot! I like dancing, but mostly with Jonathan, cause he makes me comfortable. Later Jonathan's friends came over and hung out and I took a nap. When it was time to go to Institute Jonathan woke me up and we headed out again with Alex, aka Sniper ;).
Institute was really good, I do have to say, and I'm usually pretty picky. We got there late so we sat in the back, but that was okay. We mostly talked about the Atonement, and Elder Nelson and his life. There was a few partner activities, one in which we had to look on this page of quotes and find the one that touched us personally, about the atonement, and tell our partner:
What piece of truth can you find in that quote?
How has that truth blessed your life?
What is a good question that you need to ask yourself?
What can you do right now?

At least, I think those are the questions he asked haha. Jonathan volunteered me to talk to the class about what I had shared about, and mine was about "Remember Him" and how I need to remember to take upon me the name of Christ, and not mock it. And how Elder Holland in general conference mentioned that when people sinned or messed up they always say, "what was I thinking???" and he says, "well, obviously, they weren't thinking of Christ." And whenever I do wrong, that sentence always pops into my mind. And I just need to remember Christ more in everything that I do.
Anyways, institute was really good. I like that teacher. He seems inspired.

After institute we headed back to Jonathan's parent's apt and hung out and worked on the fan/shell looking napkins. Then we just talked with his family for a bit. I just love them to death! His dad is suuuch a cute man. And his mom is hilarious. :D I love their family.

Well, tomorrow's another busy day!!! We get to pick up my dad from the airport AND the boys are taking our mailed boxes and our furniture to our apartment! Hoooow exciting!!! :D Should be a grand day tomorrow. Yaaay. :) Well, goodnight for now!

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