Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7/30 Thirty Thankful Days

7/30 of Thirty Thankful Days!

November 7

Family time is sacred time. It should be protected and respected - President Boyd K. Packer

Today I am thankful for family time. No matter what we do, as long as we're together, I'm happy, whether we're going to the park or watching The Walking Dead. Tonight after pizza and a movie, Jonathan sat down and challenged me to a game of N64 007. How could I resist? He then told me that Lydia was also playing. And that he's been waiting a long time to play this against her. I could only laugh. Challenge accepted.

Our first game, Lydia's character was some nasty Freddy Kruegar looking chef. His face didn't even look normal (but I guess with these graphics, Pierce Brosnan is the only one who does haha). I was some "hot chick" according to Jonathan - HA! and Jonathan was some random person. When I caught up to Lydia I busted out laughed SO HARD. I could see her on my screen and she was walking backward with her face toward the ceiling. I couldn't shoot her. Jonathan caught up and we just laughed together. I then knew it was the right choice to play this game at midnight, despite my goals of going to bed early.. oops. But we had lots of fun. I even killed Jonathan multiple times in a row, even though my aiming is something to be desired. He killed me 6 times and I killed him 5. Pretty good in my book!

Anyway. I'm pretty glad we played together. It was a good ending to my night. Family time doesn't always mean we have to be doing a family home evening lesson together or going to the movies (which we do as a family too, even Lydia.) As long as you're enjoying the time spent with your loved ones, that's all that matters.

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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