Saturday, November 17, 2012

17/30 Thirty Thankful Days - Family Trips and Safety

Day 17/30 of Thirty Thankful Days!

Today I am thankful for fun spontaneous family trips and for the Lord's protection, once again in my life. Tonight we went to Fred Meyer and Walmart out in Idaho Falls. They are stores that are A LOT bigger than the ones in Rexburg. It was nice to be in an actual department store that takes longer than 5 minutes to circle the whole thing ;). Okay, the Walmart in Rexburg isn't that small, but still.

We wanted to go to FM to look at and compare Christmas tree prices. But to our dismay, we found there were even less trees than in Rexburg, and more expensive. So we walked the aisles of the Christmas section. We also saw this HUGE fluffy dog I wanted to get Lydia sooo bad. She was in love with it - gave it the biggest hug with the widest smile accompanying it. But I wasn't in love with the price! 30-40 bucks! Oyy.. I hope Christmas doesn't get too expensive this year haha (even though I know it's not about gifts).. but I do have a hard time controlling myself when it comes to giving in to Lydia. She is soo easy to buy things for! Good thing Jonathan was there. She would have loved it!

After that we went to Walmart, picked out our tree, got diapers/wipes and looked at the carseats. When I got her carseat from my SIL I didn't have a manual so I was putting it together to the best of my knowledge of where I thought the straps went/should connect. Anyway, long story short, I messed up. I noticed her straps became loose as we were getting her strapped in before leave FM. I thought we needed a new carseat because I couldn't figure out to get them tight again in a more secure way (it's kind of complicated to explain). We spent a good 20 minutes looking at EVERY detail of the carseats in the store, making sure I could put it together correctly and to see if we really did need to get one or if the old one worked. Needless to say, when we came home and checked the old one, the one we had was built the same way, I just didn't know I was supposed to connect the straps in the back somewhere else. I am so so so thankful the Lord watched over us this week as we went driving about, even if it was just 5 minutes to pick up Jonathan. I feel so incredibly guilty that I put her in danger. You don't know how bad I feel/felt. :( Ugh, I wish I had known. I am thankful nothing has happened. I am just glad her seat is all installed good now. This is just another example of the Lord's mercy in protecting us and giving me another chance.

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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