Saturday, July 17, 2010

First Day In Texas

Soo, I will make this short seeing how I have church in about 7 hours or so.. It's weird being on Texas time - 3 hours ahead.

So today and yesterday seem like one big blur. We left Friday night at 1am from Fairbanks, Alaska and basically flew all night (morning). We had a 5 hour flight to Salt Lake City, Utah and then about a 20 minute layover until we boarded our next 2 and 1/2 hour flight to Houston, Texas. I admit, it was hard leaving my siblings. I participated in a tear fest - although my littlest sister, no doubt had the hardest time seeing me leave. She bawled her eyes out. I probably would have too, but right now it still seems like I'm on vacation..and that I'm coming home at the end of the week. So I'm sure by this Sunday when my family returns back to Alaska, and it's just me and Jonathan, it's all gonna be a big shock.

Needless to saaaaay, it's been quite the adventure so far. The airport was pretty cool (as in not hot - I really don't judge airports haha)...and then you walk outside and man! It feels as though you've stepped into a sauna, but with all your clothes on. Pretty gross. I've wanted to take a shower all day. That will definitely take some getting used to, for sure.

After the airport we went and dropped off the luggage at the model apartment that my parents, sister and I are staying at for the week (which'll be at the same apt that me and Jonathan will be living in come Aug 1st, thanks to his wonderful mom who hooked us up with a great deal!) and then his dad picked up his grandparents and we all went over to a China buffet, I don't recall the name. But it was pretty good. Afterwards, my sister wanted to go to the mall, so that's where we headed. Me and Jonathan just looked around and got a cinabon (hehe ;) ) and my sister shopped. I'm not a big mall person, and I really have to be in the mood to go clothes shopping so we kinda just sat around, talked, and waited. I do have to say, it has been weird experiencing summer time with it completely dark outside. I'm so used to Alaskan summers with light all the time, so walking out of the mall at 9pm and seeing it all dark reminded me of December in Alaska. It was weird. Then we took a little trip to Wal-Mart for groceries and shampoo. And now, I'm home, showered and just laying in bed after my prayer and scripture read. It feels good to have the AC on, laying on a nice mattress and clean. Woot! I can't wait til I am married and can unpack all my things and just start life.

Oh yes, I must express how much I love Jonathan's parents! They are definitely some of the nicest, funniest people I know. I'm so glad that they are going to be my new in-laws in a few days. I thank the Lord for their kindness and goodness. I love them. :) They have done so much for us already - for the wedding and for our new lives and living situation. I'm so grateful!

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