Sunday, July 18, 2010

Feeling a bit cold here?

Well, today was day two in Texas. We got up and got ready to go to church. It was...interesting. The people were very friendly, and Relief Society was fun, especially when we were discussing the Preisthood and one of the questions was, "What is a quorum?" and this older lady, who is a recent convert, started going off about the "corral" reef and no one had any idea what she was talking about. I think she heard corral instead of quorum. It was pretty hilarious. I wouldn't consider her slow..just different. The lady next to me said she was a little eccentric haha. And when people answered right they'd get a candy, and she was always saying she helped the person get the answer right, so she deserved more candy. She was a funny lady.

Then we had sacrament meeting, in Spanish. Luckily I took Spanish in high school so I recognized some words and was able to kind of get the picture about the story they were saying during their talk. It was pretty noisy with the children, and it seemed like no one was paying attention and the building was cold, compared to outside anyway haha. But that's where we're going to go to church from now on and I really don't care because Jonathan's dad is the branch president and he is one of the nicest, most humble people I know. And even though I couldn't really understand what he was saying to the people in Spanish, I love him a lot anyway, and I love his good heart.

Afterwards we headed home toooooooooo eeeeeeeeat. We were so hungry. But Jonathan's mom made really good enchiladas... with a little bit of my help, heheh. I stuffed them with chicken and cheese and rolled them, she did all the rest. So we had that, rice (with banana slices = way good), salad, and a yummy juice drink. Dinner was fun. I love being over at their apartment and with them. His mom is so funny, always making jokes and his dad is just so warm hearted. I know for sure that I'm going to hang out with them a lot when my family goes back home. I already consider them my parents.
After dinner we all took naps, then hung out some more and now me, mom and Mari are back at the apartment. It's weird cause the AC in the buildings makes it feel like Alaska does outside - air wise - being able to breathe. Outside it's just muggy and humid and hard to breathe. But lately I've been feeling pretty cold inside, so maybe I'm adjusting, yes!!!

Tomorrow we have a busy agenda. It's nice though, our apartment is right next to the courthouse so we are going to get set up for our marriage license first thing in the morning, go see about Jonathan's tux, see about some white wedding shoes, maybe send out some more last minute invitations, and go to the mall...again haha. The weather's been nice lately. Some thunder, little bit of rain, but it's been good. We saw lightning last night. Everything's definitely different.. but as long as I'm with my true love, I'll be alright.

Well, goodnight!

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