Sunday, November 18, 2012

18/30 Thirty Thankful Days - technology

Day 18/30 of Thirty Thankful Days!

I don't know why it's a little bit hard to think of something I'm thankful for each day to write on here. It's usually around 11pm at night before I get a post out because it usually takes me the whole day to think of something specific to be thankful for..something that's a little original, or something that doesn't get the normal spotlight. I have however, mentioned before how I am enjoying this experiment. It makes me more aware of the things I am/should be thankful for. If I think all day about what I can write, then I feel like I am more grateful or at least trying to recognize the good things in my life that I should be thankful for.

So today, I am thankful for technology. I know there is a lot of bad that can come from technology, if you abuse it and are looking for the wrong things (plus a lot of drama that could be avoided but oh well haha), but I also know a lot of good can come from it. We were able to attend a re-dedication for the Boise, Idaho Temple through broadcast. There were 3 different sessions and also different speakers for each session, minus Elder Bednar's and President Monson's being the same. I had never been to a dedication so it was a neat experience. During President Monson's talk, I felt the Spirit strongly and it testified to me that what I know and believe about this Church is true - that families can be sealed together forever and that Temple ordinances are important for ourselves and our beloved dead.

I'm also thankful for technology so that I can communicate with my family in Alaska and Colorado. I'm thankful for the many wonderful things you can learn on the internet, and how you can talk to someone hundreds of miles away, through a simple phone call. It's miraculous. Who would have thought a 100 years ago we'd be here, doing this today? Blogging about what we're thankful for? It's amazing!

To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven. - President Monson

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