Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2nd Trimester Thoughts

Hay lil baby!

I'm now in my 2nd Trimester. 14 weeks 3 days. Time seems to be going by pretty fast! We will be at 19 weeks soon enough when we have the 2nd ultrasound to find out if you are a boy or girl. We actually have a doctor's appointment next Monday where we'll get to hear your baby heartbeat again. Yay!

Well, for starters, I have had heartburn like crazy! Almost every night! I'm trying to eat healthier to avoid it..but sometimes it's hard to stay away from the "bad stuff." I also feel a lot better now, peeing wise haha.. I don't feel like I spend all my waking (and wishing to sleep) hours on the porcelain throne urinating.. I'm also not as tired, mostly due to the fact that the last two weeks or so Lydia finally decided she could sleep through the night. So that means I can too! Hooray! It's been wonderful.

I can feel my tummy stretch, so that's a good sign. I hope you're getting nice and big! I've been taking my prenatal pill every day so I hope that helps. I (kinda) hope you're bigger than Lydia..she was pretty small, and has taken a long time to gain weight, but I hope you're not toooooo chunkay! I don't want to birth a 10 pounder now haha that would be sooo much fun! *note the sarcasm* ;)

Anyway, I just want to say that I love you and think about you every day and as each day passes the day approaches where we get to see you again on screen and put a name to that little body growing inside of me. I can't wait little one! Love you!


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