Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MFAQ about Lydia!!!

I have been meaning to write this post for a long time.. and it is definitely long over due. Every time me and Baby meet someone new there's only one popular question they ask.

MFAQ(Most frequently asked question): When did she get her ears pierced?

A: When she was almost 4 months old. 

There it is.. the mystifying question that almost everyone who meets her has to ask. I'm not sure why that is such a hot topic with Baby, but it is. I never thought knowing when a baby got their ears pierced would be the thing you'd want to know most about them. But it is. It happens at church, and friendly outings. It even happened today. Sometimes I get tired of answering the same question, because it happens so often haha. I wish I could just refer them to this post.. but they'd probably feel offended or really weird if I did that instead of answering them. Haha..hmmmmm...

After that, FAQ#2: Did she cry a lot? 

A: I wouldn't know, because I wasn't there. My friend's husband (who had done it to their daughter previously) did it while we were on a date (with our consent, of course! ;) ). Everything worked out fine as long as I left a bottle; she had no infections, and he got them pretty straight on. 

The next FAQ would be: How old is she? (Which I'll admit is normal...durr Anna)

A: 10 1/2 months.

It was kinda funny at Church on Sunday, a man thought she was 19 months. Not sure where he got that random number (he and his wife didn't have kids.. so it's not his fault haha) but, I totally blame her long dark hair. It is so tricksy sometimes...making her look older than she really is.

One last one, for laughs. 

FAQ: Has she always had a lot of hair? 

sometimes I wanna say, A: No, she was born bald and at 9 months..poof!
 She had TONS of hair! 

But I don't..'cause that's mean.....I guess ;)

And yes, she was born with lots of dark hair!

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